The Concrete Centre’s Sustainability Series is a four week programme of online events and resources providing latest guidance, progress updates and discussion related to the design, specification and use of sustainable concrete. The 2024 Series will take place from 23rd September to 18th October.
Launch Event: Concrete decarbonisation through collaboration
Live hybrid seminar: Monday 23 September, 16:00-19:30
The launch of this year's Sustainability Series will take place on 23rd September with a hybrid networking event at the Coin Street Community Centre, SE1 9NH
Speakers from across the value chain will be providing an overview and update of current collaborative initiatives and projects aiming to accelerate decarbonisation in the manufacture, specification, design and construction of concrete and projects using concrete.
The presentations will be followed by drinks and networking.
For those unable to attend in person the presentations can be viewed live online, book here.
The changing landscape of Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs)
Part 1: Greater and alternative uses of limestone
Live webinar: Wednesday 2 October, 12:00-13:05
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are materials that may be used as part of the binder in concrete. SCMs can be lower in embodied carbon than Portland cement and are consequently an important part of the route towards net zero concrete.
The availability, use and standards related to SCMs is evolving. This webinar is the first of a two-part event considering these changes, and it focuses on greater and alternative uses of limestone which have recently been included in the revised BS 8500 standard.
Part 2: Expanding the range: calcined clays, recycled fines and stock-piled fly ash
Live webinar: Wednesday 2 October, 13:30 - 14:45
Supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are materials that may be used as part of the binder in concrete. SCMs can be lower in embodied carbon than Portland cement and are consequently an important part of the route towards net zero concrete.
The availability, use and standards related to SCMs is evolving. This webinar is the second of a two-part event considering these changes, and it focuses on this expansion of the range of SCMs, including calcined clays, recycled fines and stock-piled fly ash.
Developing concrete to support a more circular economy
Live webinar: Thursday 10 October, 12:30 - 14:00
Enabling greater circularity across the built environment using concrete is one of the five core commitments of the UK concrete industry’s refreshed sustainability strategy. This event brings together experts instrumental in evolving greater understanding in this area of development, helping to highlight opportunities for further improvement as part of the development of a Circular Economy Action Plan for UK concrete.
Join us to hear about some of the activity taking place and to help prioritise further action. The event will include sessions gathering online audience feedback via Slido in response to questions regarding opportunities and barriers for enabling and supporting concrete’s evolving role in a more circular economy.
Sustainability - beyond carbon
Live webinar: Thursday 17 October, 12:30 - 13:30
This webinar will give an overview of the industry initiatives to address important sustainability issues beyond a focus on carbon, and present projects where concrete has been used successfully to bring social, health and wellbeing benefits in the built environment.